This project is a retreat for the mind and spirit. It is a place to escape the intensity of the city and find solace to bridge an everyday chore with meditation through quiet repetition and solitude. By incorpating an isolated space within the confines of a destination that is a weekly chore for many, a laundromat, people are invited to find cleaniliness in the tangible, and peace and quiet for themselves.



I had been thinking about what is important for a community. What could you add in a city like New York to make life more comfortable? How could you appreciate yourself more? And how others? What would it need to transform a regular chore into an experience you don’t want to miss? And I realized, it is not about adding something, it is about taking something away.
A break.    Silence. Quiet.     Time for yourself. Ultimate privacy.  Time for others.
Leaving the echo of a noisy city behind you. Leaving the echo of what is surrounding us every day.
Letting you focus on what is important. One step at a time.
Muffeld voices. Noise transformed into a deep resonance. Into something that doesn’t bother us. Something that we forgot it exists. Walking through the threshold, sweeping away the light curtains, knowing what will expect us.
Every step takes us further away. Every breath brings us closer to ourselves.
The colors are light and natural. Nothing is hammering our mind. Pieces of cloth sway in the air. The light falls on our heads like sunshine. The washing machines are awaiting us. We can hear the water. Falling, rinsing, cleaning our beloved clothes, the pictures of ourselves within this city, within this society, within this community. What we want to be and what we are.
It will be clean.
Laudromat floorplan.jpg